Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Strawberries and Roses

 These lovely Kent strawberries were very quickly eaten !   Apparently this year has been very good for strawberries they have been very juicy and sweet but two weeks early also a farm in Kent produces the strawberries for Wimbledon.  This tea cup is Royal Doulton Brambly Hedge ' The Wedding '  I love that little mouse in his waistcoat and the bride and bridesmaids !

I have also been working on an idea for some summery hair combs using soft tulle, pale green silk, a little satin rose leaf and french knots in the centre of the flower as you know most of my work tends to have embroidered elements.
I will sign off for now with a picture of these fabulous June roses.
Have a great week  :)

1 comment:

Maria Glazacheva said...

Quelles jolie porcelaine vous avait avec des personnages de dessin animée " Brambly Hedge"J`adore il est tres jolie ce dessin animée!! :0)

Et aussi j`adore le bijoux que vous avait fait!! :0)

Bonne semaine!!!
xxx Maria xxx