Monday, 2 May 2011

seagulls and daisies

 Hi hope you have all had a great weekend and bank holiday.   We had fish and chips at the beach yesterday.   I love seagulls I always think I would like to embroider one !  This one did not want to be embroidered so he is flapping off out to sea ! 
Today's sewing is below.  This was supposed to be a headband for my shop but it took too much time and hence would be too expensive for what it is, so  once this realisation dawned on me I hastily sort of finished it off and took this pic.  I spoke  to Debs from Pretty Goods and we discussed that one of the things you have to work out when considering selling is how long it takes to make something !   This is usually my difficult area as I love embroidery.  Also that product development can take time.
Don't forget to check out the Kitch and Stitch blog for Deb's and Linda's fair next Saturday.  It is in the pretty Wealden town of Cranbrook which even has it's own windmill, worth a visit  :)


Debbie said...

Thank you for promoting the Kitsch and Stitch fair, Sally. Looking forward to seeing you there!
I love the daisies, by the way. Find a way to turn them out a bit quicker and you could be on to a winner!

Shoreham Cottage Gifts said...

I think if I just make the daisies that will be a bit quicker. Thanks for the advice x

Maria Glazacheva said...

Oh j`adore le chapeau eslle trop jolie!! :0)
Bonne semaine!!
xxx Maria xxx